Thursday, February 12, 2009

Speed Camp To Do's: Athletes


I hope the last two weeks have treated you well and you are getting prepared for Speed Week. This post is meant to remind you of a few things leading into this week's training.

Please be sure that you are well rested and have had proper meals and nutrition going into the week. This is not the week for late nights and poor nutrition. Get to bed early and fill up on high energy foods (pasta's).

Make sure that you have all equipment needed by this weekend including:
Skis (tuned and ready to go), Poles (extra baskets), Skin Suit, Warm up clothes, Goggles (Clear Lenses), Helmet.
You also should have some cool down clothes for stretching, water bottles and snacks every day. This is a huge week and you need to take advantage of all you can. You will need to be on the hill as much as possible so avoid going into the shack if it becomes a problem you may find the door LOCKED..... This is an opportunity that many racers don't get at their home mountain.

Rien will be back on Sunday and we will have a team meeting following the nets being set up. Train hard Saturday (Slalom) with Coach John as that will be your last opportunity for technical training prior to the race next weekend. Transitition from Speed to Technical has it's difficulties.

Think good weather and have a good last few days at school......


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